“Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.”

Saint Augustine

The Process

It is all remote - distance is not an obstacle to energy healing. Select what works best for you - choose between Zoom or an e-mail session (without your participation.) The outcome is identical. With the Zoom option, you will see my notes and our path through the Body Code™ or Belief Code® applications actively participating in the process. The e-mail option works well when finding time is challenging or the time zone makes it hard to schedule a Zoom session. For this option, when booking, write 3 to 5 issues you wish to address, choose a date, and pay - that’s all. I will conduct an email session without your participation and send you the results via e-mail. It doesn't matter whether you participate in a session or are soundly asleep on the other side of the world - the results are consistent.

Sessions typically run for about an hour, but the duration can vary depending on our work. After each session, I'll provide a comprehensive report via e-mail. Booking a session is straightforward and includes payment. Once confirmed, you'll receive an e-mail with the Zoom call link. A helpful reminder email will be sent a day before the session. If you need to cancel, consider switching to the e-mail session instead of rebooking. The outcome remains consistent regardless of the session type. A session can be cancelled for a full refund or rescheduled up to 24 hours before its due date. If a session is missed, full payment will be taken.

If you plan to use the e-mail option, pick any available time from the calendar, even if you do not plan to be present. You can book and pay for multiple sessions. Make sure sessions are a week apart to allow resting time.

If you're unsure about the process or need more information, I invite you to book a free session -  an excellent opportunity to experience firsthand how energy healing works.


Animals, just like humans, can suffer from trapped emotions. They have feelings, even if they can't express them in words. Instead, they show physical or emotional symptoms. With the application of the Emotion Code® or The Body Code™, we can offer them a path to recovery and balance. It's important to note that while some of their innate behavioural instincts may not change, we can still support their well-being through our clear intention and a direct connection to their subconscious. The sessions are shorter and more straightforward, but they still offer an insight into how past events shaped some behaviours we can't explain.

How to prepare

Write down three to five issues or things you want to work on. They can range from physical ailments to emotional or mental blockages. Do not be afraid to combine problems that may feel distant or disconnected. According to quantum theory, things exist only because of their relation and interaction with other things. Anything can cause anything. Lower back pain, reflux, and the fear of heights with an inability to accept abundance are fine listed together. Your subconscious will guide us directly to the most significant imbalances behind the issues you provide. Each session will bring past emotional events to light, giving context to your healing journey.

How does it feel

People experience inner peace after a session as if a weight has been lifted from their chest. Some have a hard time not falling asleep or yawning during the session. It proves that the body moves into the "rest, digest and repair" mode, or the parasympathetic nervous system dominance. While the effects can be subtle, we often see positive responses, including almost immediate pain reduction with long-lasting results. We see better sleep patterns, chronic issues are resolved, digestion improves, and a calmer, happier, lighter mood becomes normal. However, since everyone is different, it is hard to promise anything. While one single session has the potential to clear years of trapped energies, it may take several to see results. It is worth noting that symptoms can often increase or return after a session. It is normal and indicates that the body is working on solving misalignment or imbalance. It usually passes in a day or two. A recommended processing time is always given before the next session. Visit the Discover Healing YouTube channel and let Dr. Nelson guide you through the process.

Muscle testing

Many nuanced versions of muscle testing and several well-defined branches of kinesiology study human movement. We use what Dr. George Goodhard presented in 1964 - the connection between manual muscle testing and energetic pathways that provide feedback based on neuro-physiological responses. It is based on a few principles: Energy affects and reflects physiology, and our bodies gravitate toward an innate state of balance. Sometimes, the body needs help in restoring this balance. During muscle testing, the subconscious mind guides the practitioner to the source or area that created an imbalance or stress, which can be physical, emotional or mental. As such, a practitioner is not a healer but acts as a guide who knows the language and can navigate the energy field, looking for “resonance” or feedback to specific questions that are part of the Body Code™ method. Changes in muscle responses, or biofeedback, make the subconscious stress observable - this way, the practitioner can get the YES or NO answers and quickly find the source of the imbalance. Since the subconscious mind controls muscle responses and interfaces with the whole body, muscle testing provides an access point to everything. It is a link that allows a question formed in the conscious mind—are there any trapped emotions?—to access the subconscious mind and identify the stressor.

Muscle testing is subjective and involves intuition and feeling. Although “the body never lies” or overtly distorts the truth, the result of a test is not objective. It is subjective based on a unique interaction between the practitioner and the client. You will find more about energetic kinesiology in the book by Charles Krebs and Tania McGowan, Energetic Kinesiology: Principles and Practice.

Language Support

Sessions can be conducted in English or Polish. However, for the e-mail option (without your participation,) I am happy to work with other languages: Spanish, German, French, Italian, Russian, Danish, Swedish, Portuguese, Czech, Slovak, Greek, or Japanese. Rest assured, there is no language barrier when connecting with the subconscious mind. The only additional step is translating the results, which is quickly done with the support of technology, and I am happy to do it with no additional costs. When booking a remote session, describe 3 to 5 problems or issues you want to work on in your native tongue. That’s all.

Experience relief from...

Everything can cause everything, and everyone is different. As a result, each healing journey is unique for everyone who decides to try energy healing. Results can vary from almost instant relief to a gradual change experienced over several sessions. Check customer testimonials to learn about specific issues or discomforts that energy healing addresses. Although I will never share or discuss particulars, I can point to a few general themes people seek to solve. Energy healing could assist with a wide range of physical imbalances, including pain in the lower back, knees, hips, and neck/shoulder areas. Also, allergies or general breathing difficulties, including chronic/auto-immune symptoms. I am working on some cases with dementia/Alzheimer's where we see some gradual improvements. Digestive issues, inability to lose weight or persistent acne problems are also listed. Apart from physical discomforts, energy healing helps with mental/emotional hardships. Phobias, fears, and mental blocks related to money, relationships, and work are pretty popular. Insomnia, acceptance, and social engagement are listed as well. Everything is connected, and you will be surprised how incredibly well the subconscious helps resolve seemingly distant issues yet somehow energetically weaved together. Experience it yourself - book a session or, if unsure, a free consultation. It's worth trying.

Benefits & Drawbacks of Energy Healing

Energy healing, with its simplicity and accessibility, offers a powerful tool for personal well-being. By incorporating these practices into our lives, we may experience improvements in our mental and physical health, potentially leading to greater overall happiness and vitality. More than just enabling the body's innate healing abilities, energy healing can also catalyze personal growth and self-discovery, inspiring individuals to explore their potential and discover new aspects of life.

  • 100% non-invasive

  • It can be performed in person or remotely

  • It is gentle on the body and pain-free

  • Allows to identify the energetic root cause of physical or emotional symptoms

  • It can help reduce anxiousness, sadness, and fears

  • It may help improve relationships, including financial stress

Energy healing is regarded as a gentle and low-risk therapeutic approach. However, the practice may occasionally evoke emotions or memories that require further processing. However, unlike traditional psychoanalysis, the processes developed by Dr. Nelson do not need to relive past traumas. Some individuals may also experience physical sensations during or after an energy healing session, such as tingling or fatigue. It's important to note that the symptoms (i.e. allergies, back pain, anxiety) addressed during the session may sometimes increase—a sign that the self-healing processes are happening. However, these symptoms are temporary and usually pass in a day or two.

Some terms explained

Trapped Emotions

Trapped emotions occur when an emotional process is interrupted, preventing the natural cycle of creating, experiencing, and releasing the emotion. They are vibrational frequencies generated by organs and glands in response to stress, experiences, negative thoughts, or imbalances in the body. Immediate circumstances influence these emotions and can be amplified by other trapped emotions and pre-existing imbalances. Trapped emotions, often described as balls of vibrating energy, can lodge anywhere in the body, distorting the energy field and potentially leading to physical and emotional issues. By addressing and releasing trapped emotions, individuals can alleviate physical discomfort and improve their overall well-being, allowing for a more balanced and harmonious state of health. Emotions that have become trapped during your lifetime (after birth) are the most common, but there are also Prenatal, Preconception, Shared, Absorbed or Inherited trapped emotions.

Heart-Wall Emotion

A Heart-Wall is a protective barrier formed by the subconscious mind using trapped emotions to shield the heart from emotional pain. Each emotion within this barrier is called a Heart-Wall emotion - collectively, they create layers around the heart. These emotions can be from any point in one's life, including inherited ones, and are typically a response to emotional distress. The Heart-Wall, while initially protective, can lead to feelings of disconnection, loneliness, sadness, anxiety, and a lack of motivation. Physical symptoms such as neck and shoulder discomfort may also arise. Most people have between five and 25 Heart-Wall emotions, though this number can be higher in those who have experienced significant trauma. When removing a Heart-Wall, it is essential to allow the subconscious mind to guide the process, releasing each trapped emotion in its own time, ultimately leading to improved emotional and physical well-being.

Emotional Reverberation

Emotional reverberation is a powerful phenomenon that can significantly impact our physical and mental well-being. It refers to the lingering effects of emotional energy, whether current or unprocessed from past experiences, that can create imbalances within the body. This concept can be compared to the resonance of a bell - the emotional "ringing" continues long after the initial trigger. Just as subsequent strikes can amplify a bell's vibrations, emotional reverberations intensify when similar stimuli or emotions are encountered. This cumulative effect can lead to a buildup of unresolved emotional energy, potentially causing physical tension, stress, and other health issues if left unaddressed. Understanding and addressing emotional reverberations is crucial for maintaining overall emotional and physical health.

Broadcast Message

A broadcast message is a specific vibrational frequency stored in the body and continually sent out, similar to a message from a radio tower. Negative broadcast messages can harm the subconscious opinions others form about you and can attract undesirable people, behaviours, or situations. Internally, these messages may affect your emotions, self-image, and other aspects of your life. Typically, broadcast messages are short sentences of two to five words and fall into two categories: command messages (e.g., "Abuse me" or "Ignore me") and descriptive messages (e.g., "I'm stupid" or "I'm invisible"). While clearing a broadcast message, a new positive replacement may need to be "inserted," changing the message from negative to positive.

Memory Field

A memory field refers to the energy of memories, represented as an energy field that accumulates both positive and negative recollections. These fields can develop from troubling events, cluttering one's emotional landscape and creating difficulties in moving forward in life. Envisioned as a rain cloud that closely follows an individual, such a field could hinder emotional resilience, evoke past rejections, and impact overall mood. The interplay of emotions and memory can not only enhance the recall of significant experiences but also create biases in how memories are stored and recalled, emphasizing the weight of emotional attachment in our daily lives. These memory fields are often located in front of one's face, potentially interfering with the Brow Chakra and affecting one's vision and perception.

Privacy Policy

At Balance Healing, your privacy is our priority. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, disclose, and protect your information when you visit our website or use our energy healing services.

When you contact us or book a session, we collect personal information such as your name, email address, and phone number. We also gather health information you share during consultations or sessions and payment information like credit card details, which are processed through Stripe or PayPal.

We use this information to manage and provide services, respond to inquiries, send appointment reminders, process payments, and improve our offerings. We do not sell or trade your personal information. However, we may share it with third-party service providers who help us operate our business, such as payment processors and email service providers, or disclose it if the law requires.

We take various security measures to protect your personal information, though no internet transmission or electronic storage method is completely secure. You can request access to, correct, or delete your personal information and object to its processing.

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us. Thank you for trusting Balance Healing with your personal information. We are committed to ensuring your privacy and providing excellent service.

“Life is about having joy. It’s about increasing our ability to give and receive love, and it’s about gaining all the knowledge we can. It’s also about serving others, feeling grateful for all that we have, and learning to create the life we want.”

Dr. Bradley Nelson, The Emotion Code