Experience the relief and freedom that energy healing can bring through Emotion Code®, Body Code™, and Belief Code®. Work with Gregory Ronczewski to unlock your body's innate healing ability, creating physical and emotional balance. Embrace the power to change your life!

Gregory Ronczewski - Level III Certified Practitioner


  • The technique identifies and releases trapped emotions - harmful emotional energies from adverse past events. Trapped emotions can cause a variety of physical and emotional issues. They can block people from feeling love and happiness, making them feel disconnected. Because trapped emotions are energies, just like the rest of the body, they influence the body’s tissues and can cause physical discomfort. Releasing trapped emotions makes conditions suitable for the body to heal physically, and emotional difficulties often disappear or become much easier to handle. LEARN MORE

  • The process balances the body in six aspects – emotional, energetic, nutritional, structural, pathogens, and toxicity. It is a sophisticated and complete method of body balancing. Anything that is imbalanced in the body can be identified and corrected. As a result, discomfort and malfunction in the body often disappear, the organs function as they should, nutrients are absorbed properly, energy levels are raised, and emotional issues become manageable or nonexistent. LEARN MORE

  • The technique builds on the Emotion and Body Code. It allows tapping into the subconscious mind to identify and release unwanted beliefs, reverse or replace negative systems of thought, and create space for new empowering beliefs! It offers us a way to uproot negative subconscious beliefs, release ourselves from incongruous belief patterns, and allow us to see things as they are. Free your mind, body, and spirit from beliefs holding you back! LEARN MORE

The best way to discover energy healing is through personal experience, so I am offering one free session — book it now! It is all remote - distance is not an obstacle to energy healing. Sessions can be conducted in English or Polish, but I am happy to work with other languages for the e-mail (without your participation through Zoom) session.


Real People, Real Stories

  • The tantrums that used to occur almost every day have practically disappeared

    "I would like to sincerely thank Gregory for the sessions for my 15-year-old son, who has autism and delayed psycho-verbal development.

    Throughout four sessions, I have noticed an improvement in my son's overall condition. He became more interested in the world around him. He has much less autostimulation. The tantrums that used to occur almost every day have practically disappeared. It is as if his outer and inner states have become synchronized. Every day, I see him trying to express himself, trying to say what he needs. Before, he didn't always realize what he wanted, but now he understands and broadcasts it more often. He is no longer frightened of new conditions—at the moment, he is much better at navigating unfamiliar conditions.

    I am thrilled that someone like Gregory agreed to help my child. Thank you from the bottom of my heart and our family."

    ~ Marina

  • I see life no longer as a struggle

    “I never thought that after more than forty years of suffering from anxiety and depression, I would feel the peace and joy of life again. Energy healing, especially the Belief Code, helped me understand my problem's actual cause. Thanks to this understanding, everything comes into place. What was draining me for years was hidden so deeply due to the trauma that I was not able to see it clearly. Once revealed, the experience was so liberating that it felt as if an immense burden was lifted from my shoulders. Now, I see life no longer as a struggle. There is nothing to fear or control. I feel much safer and at ease.”

    ~ Magdalena

  • This therapy cured me of my asthma

    “Working with Gregory has been a fantastic adventure. His diligent examination of my subconscious revealed a remarkable convergence of the events I remembered. He also reached into the depths of what was completely unknown concerning my ancestors. In this way, a logical sequence of causes for the emergence of malfunctions in my body was formed. Well, this therapy cured me of my asthma, which the doctors fought in vain.”

    ~ Witold

  • It is worth a try

    “To be honest, I approached Gregory's proposed journey into myself with a great deal of curiosity. Did I expect what I encountered? Definitely not. For most of my adult life I tried to live in harmony with my subconscious. I thought we were getting along. I was wrong. The difficult issues that I thought were arranged suddenly resurfaced with increased force, but I saw them from a completely different perspective. And it was no longer difficult issues, it was an obvious piece of my life path, which used to fill me with anxiety, and after Gregory's sessions - became an absolutely acceptable, even desirable component of my being here and now. I feel more complete and attuned to the fact that there are still many undiscovered paths ahead of me. I wish all of you who read these not-so-clumsily-worded thoughts an equally positive experience. It is worth a try. And then there are the dreams, so unbelievably harmonious that you don't want to believe. I think I just managed to accept and like “myself in myself” thanks to Gregory.”

    ~ Ilona

  • Fantastic experience

    “These sessions greatly helped me understand and move past personal struggles which I had been dealing with. It is a fantastic experience; give it a chance!”

    ~ Alexander

  • I feel lighter

    “Working with Gregory was a journey through my life based on hundreds of questions specifically designed by Dr. Bradley Nelson. It was finding and bridging the “cracks” from the past so that the past no longer interfered with the present. I arrived at each answer not as with a psychoanalyst by spinning my own, perhaps interesting stories, but with the help of the YES/NO pendulum test, which Gregory performed with me. I visited with him many familiar sweeping places and events from which, for various reasons, I could not get away. From today's perspective, it looked as if I used to pull hundreds of invisible ropes behind me with the pinned weights of my own and sometimes someone else's - my ancestors' bad deeds and events. Now, I no longer pull many of these burdens behind me, and I have a better understanding of where things came from. I feel lighter. Also, this library, which Gregory and I worked on together and are still working on, looks well cared for. I'll say more: I see rays of sunshine in it.”

    ~ Jurek

  • The results were empowering and often amazing

    “My time with Gregory Ronczewski during our energy healing sessions was an enlightening and fascinating experience. I had no real understanding of energy healing before meeting Gregory, but I was anxious to learn about this interesting technique. We were able to connect easily and the results were empowering and often amazing. His quiet and professional manner always made me feel comfortable. Gregory’s knowledge, innate wisdom, and dedication to his work is remarkable. I feel very fortunate to have been able to participate in this program with him. Thank you, Gregory.”

    ~ Edythe

  • A wonderful way to correct one's well-being - mentally and physically.

    “Gregory and I started from scratch. We learned together. We both went through all the degrees of initiation. He gained knowledge and diplomas, I gained knowledge and self-confidence. He is a very discreet healer. Meetings with him are not psychoanalysis. There is no need to discuss anything out loud. All you need is a dialogue with your own subconscious. The body will do the rest. Balance Healing is a wonderful way to correct one's well-being - mentally and physically.”

    ~ Kinga

  • A fascinating journey into the inner self

    “A fascinating journey into the inner self, into the nooks and crannies of one's subconscious, raises many thoughts. Gregory with his soothing voice masterfully acts as a guide and interpreter, always punctual and professional.”

    ~ Artur

  • I was able to look within myself and find direction

    “I'm a woman who used to be young, so I often blamed bad moods on age. With life, it's like a play - not the length that counts, but the quality of the play. At a certain age, we perceive that most of life is behind us, and our thoughts can make us healthy or sick, young or old. I don't want old age to take up permanent residence in me. Positive thinking is the best over-the-counter medicine! I enjoy what I have. I always find something that does not limit my soul; it only feeds it. Fortunately, I can not complain about the monotony of life.

    Thank you, Gregory, from the bottom of my heart. Through sessions with you, through the Body Code and the Belief Code, I could look into myself and find direction. You are good at this, and others will have the opportunity to experience what has helped me so much. Remember, serving others is the "rent" for our place on earth - thank you again.”

    ~ Jolanta

  • Unpredictable aggression disappeared

    "Problem reported by the dog owner: unpredictable aggression towards any dogs. Regardless of gender and size. After meetings with Gregory, he discovered new friends on his walks. He even has a special affection for some of them."

    ~ Al, dog, 13 years old

  • I said goodbye to the past and regained peace of mind

    “I touched the intangible world of my own nature. Many incomprehensible phobias that had accompanied me since childhood ceased to have any meaning for me. I said goodbye to the past and regained peace of mind. I don’t need to understand how it works, it just happened and I try to live here and now. Thank you very much and I recommend it to everyone who is struggling with their own health and disordered psyche.”

    ~ Anna

  • She's confident and joyful

    “Problem reported by the dog owner: withdrawal, almost anxiety. After meetings with Gregory, she signals her needs like never before. She's confident and joyful. This radically changes her position in the pack (the other dog is doing poorly for now, but she doesn't care about that at all). Behavior at the bowl or bed - she knows what's hers.”

    ~Alicja, dog, 15 years old

  • I recommend such a trip to everyone

    During sessions with Gregory, I entered my inner world with great curiosity. It was a very interesting journey, during which I was gently and subtly guided through many questions and answers. Working through them, I arranged many things in my head and calmed my body. Gregory was a great guide on this journey, so I recommend such a trip with him to everyone.

    ~ Magda

Energy is a potent tool for healing, and everything has energy. Every thought, feeling, emotion, and body part has an energetic frequency. Nicola Tesla said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” In the Emotion Code®, Body Code™, and Belief Code®, we work with energy to balance the body, mind, and spirit. Work with Gregory Ronczewski, or find a Certified Practitioner near you, and begin releasing what is holding you back.